The Nitty Gritty

In this short video, we cover EXACTLY what's included in the bundle as well as what personal trainers need to post in order to attract more followers and convert them into paying clients.


365 ready-to-publish social media posts, designed by experts, for personal trainers and other fitness professionals. Check out some samples from our bundle below.

Instant Download

Your files are available for download immediately after your purchase is complete.

Ready to post

100% done-for-you posts
that are ready to publish.


100% customizable in Canva. Change text, images, or use files as templates to create new content.

An entire year of content in just a few minutes!

Get 365 personal trainer social media posts for about 97% less than the annual salary of a content creator.

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Personal Trainer Content Bundle

365 social media posts, tailored to a personal trainer's audience. Ready to post and also totally customizable in Canva.

180.00 USD

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Frequently Asked Questions

Can I purchase more content later?

Yes! We are actively creating additional content bundles for personal trainers. We'll notify you when they are available.

Do I need to know how to use Canva?

Not at all. All the content is ready to post, no editing necessary. However, for those who would like to make any changes to the content, customization via Canva is available.

What is your refund policy?

Due to the nature of digital products, we do not offer any refunds. If you would like to get an idea what type of content you can expect, please watch the video near the top of this page and check out the post samples above. If you have any other questions, please reach out before purchasing.

How can I use the content?

Your purchase gives you license to post the content on any of your social media accounts. The license applies to a single person/company and can't be transferred or shared with anyone else.

Have a question?

We're here to help! Fill out the form below or email us at